Every illness or disease you may have, it’s just an energetic nod, that doesn’t allow your natural energy flow correctly. These disturbances in your energetic flow come from your day-to-day existence, when you connect with other people, surrounding yourself with all kind of bad energetic persons, envious persons or anything else that is not at your own energetic levels will put their pattern on your energetic system and influence it. Such things will impact you directly and if not cleansed it will transform themselves into all sort of illnesses, as this body we reside in will feel the disturbance and, since it’s a self – sustainable organism, it will start having all kinds of faults. And without you even being aware of it, you will start feeling fatigued or even worse, get all sorts of cancers.
This is all the reaction of our bodies getting influenced negatively by the energetic patterns we are intersecting with.
Once you realize that this is the whole truth and the only truth, there is, you will be able to be part of the flow and heal anything and everything.
The healing hands
We all have this power, more or less, but it is there, and we can access it anytime with some simple programs. With your own hands, you can take or give energy from other people, and you can even heal the others. I would not recommend doing that, as when you heal someone you get their illness into your energetic patter, which in time can transform into a severe illness, and you do not want that.
The programs
- Empty yourself from any energy that caught you during the day: Put any of your hands onto your stomach, just above your belly and say: “With all my powers and God’s gifts and through my hand I disintegrate all energetic nods that came to me during the day and I free myself from any foreign energetic patters Now” Say that 3 times than just keep your hand in the same place for 5 to 10 minutes. After it is done, just say “Thank you for all the gifts and powers”
- Healing your knee. Put your hand on your knee and say: “With all my powers and God’s gifts and through my hand heal my knee as per the initial construct and make it regenerate to the initial state Now”, say that 3 times and wait 5 to 10 minutes. Then thank for all the gifts and powers that you have.
- Fix swollen belly. Put your hand on your belly and say: “With all my powers and God’s gifts and through my hand disintegrate all the energetic nods and deflate all the air from my stomach Now”, Say that 3 times and then wait 5 to 10 minutes, then thank for everything
Golden rule to run the method:
With all my powers and God’s gifts and through my hand I heal my “part of tha body you want healed” as per the initial construct and make it regenerate to the initial state NOW.
Use the healing hands, with this rule, and heal anything and everything in your body. Put your energetic pattern back in a good place, and you will feel yourself illness free, for as long as you live. It’s as simple as that. This method prevents yourself from catching unwanted things. Take the time, while you watch the TV, and run these programs, customize them per your own needs and do them each night. You will start feeling amazing. And your powers will increase. If I can do it, anyone can do it. You only just need not to give up and do these things each day in your routine.