For years, I have been battling with the few of getting blind. It’s a very frustrating feeling and it chases you in every aspect of your life.
Because of my recent wars that I was dragged in, I had another episode of stains in my problematic eye, so it came to me that this may be a retina issue again. So I went to my doctor and the good news is that all the treatments I made with my energetic ways, cleansed the retina from any tumor. It’s all solved in that area, but found that the blind spots are of crystalline origin, in the form of cataract.
So it’s good news, but with a little bad news.
For the past 3 days, I roll programs for healing and removing cataract from the crystalline. And already I see benefits of this change in the energetic programs.
I now do not fear the possibility of going blind, and I can see myself prospering for the next 30–40 years. It’s nice to see a path in front of you, For the first time in many years. All these good things happened since I concluded my battles and escaped from all negative strings. What happened in the past 30–40 days, is simple, unworldly. God Bless us all.