There are 2 months now, since I escaped all the strings that everything and everyone had upon me, and since then, a constant battle, new battles, came into my life, to compensate for all the good things that have happened during all this time.
I grew on all levels, business, family, health at an exponential rate. Triumphing with a clear message from the other side, which made me repeat it, so I would not forget.
Esevera in the Shona language means “as a server”.
Shone is an ancient language which appeared during the Iron Age in Zimbawe.
This message came to me as an enlightenment to the fact that my connection to the other side is not unnoticed and that I act as a server for the world.
It’s like receiving a title in the energetic patterns. This came along with the RA sign which resides in my left eye on my crystalline.
Kept rolling out Amun Ra powers over my eyes and there are good progress already, I may be able to avoid surgery.
That would be all for May, lads. The low success of this site, in the searches and in the people showing 0 to no interest, it does not come as a surprise. I do not break that easily. At some point, this will come into the light too.