On Mars, we have attained five distinct levels of evolutionary progression as a distinct species. What level could we aspire to reach on Earth? Are we learning from our past mistakes, or will we repeat the same errors as we did on Mars? Of course, we will evolve, and we will strive to find out our better selves and perfect the system.
On Mars, the stage 1 has happened in much longer time than we currently have lived on Earth. It can be inferred that the initial stage has spanned approximately 10-20k years and would require a further few hundred years to progress to the second stage, whereas on Mars, the total duration was approximately 100k years. Therefore, it is evident that we are advancing in our learning and our progress is becoming more advanced.
Dont worry about it, the wars and atrocities will be over soon, and humanity will reach the Unicity eventually. Everyone will realize that everything is carried out into the next lives. Why would someone commit crimes like stealing, murdering, or enviously pursuing someone else, when you know that all these wrongdoings will leave a permanent mark on your energetic DNA? Every action taken in this life is carried with you into the subsequent lives, whether it be positive or negative, and the judgment, as many religions require, is carried out in the most optimal manner possible. In the next lives, you could clean yourself, but to come to know all these things of energetic algorithm and the advanced system that we live in, it needs one to have a true path of self discovery. That takes time and effort to accomplish, as this journey is so complicated and to come to all this knowledge by yourself, one needs to be very open-minded towards the mystical and to realize that the path is so thin, that if you do not keep a realistic vision you could collapse into the delusional and insanity. It is a very complicated path in which one would need to keep everything in a true balance.
The key towards reaching higher stages of our progress on this planet would be the preservation of our water resources. That, if we do not self-destruct by the time we reach stage 2. If we ever accomplish that.
We as humanity have to optimize everything, for example, we have spent 3000 billion dollars on the war in Afghanistan, I say we, why? Because I see things as one Earth, one humanity. What have we accomplished with that, what constructive things have been made by that investment, NONE!
Perhaps a new channel of opioids instead of the South Americas route, now we have an established one with the Taliban. Why are they so quiet after all? Money makes things stable and quiet. Isn’t that funny? We have invested so many resources and have found a path that is even more self-destructive. Our greed is what drives our egos into self-destruction.
Yes, it’s part of our evolution, but trying to kick our butts hardly with the message right here and right now with this site, so we can be sure we are capable to ever reaching that stage 2.
Stage 3 will have the great feat of being able to carry on your previous lifes bank accounts, properties, goods into the next lifes.
Im genuinely upset and irritated by all these events that have happened over the years and how envy consumes even our closest buddies. I felt this in this life in my own skin, it’s possible I wouldn’t have reached these energetic levels otherwise. But, imagine one person’s envy that feeds the ego and makes him self-destruct because he is incapable of doing constructive things, that energy wasted. If that were put in the right place, imagine the wonders one could accomplish, with its own very powers, That feeling of doing things right. It’s remarkable. That we all need to aspire to, to reach that feeling of doing good and participating in this world with all we got. All of us can do so much good, we just need to clear ourselves from envious thoughts and greed. Then good things will come and we will all prosper together.
The path to higher stages will be reached with the right energetic mindset.